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Protecting Your LGBTQIA+ Family: A Pride Month Guide to Estate Planning for Non-Biological Parents

As an LGBTQIA+ non-biological parent, June's arrival sparks a flurry of Pride celebrations reminding you of the remarkable progress the community has made, while also shining a light on the ongoing fight for full equality. One area where you may still face unique legal hurdles is in ensuring your parental rights are properly protected, if you are a non-biological parent. Read more…

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Why Estate Planning Is the Best Use of Your Tax Refund

So you got a tax refund this year. Hooray! While you may be tempted to spend it on a vacation, or put it away for a rainy day, there’s an even better way to put that refund to work for you: estate planning. Here’s why. Read more…

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3 Business Tax Mistakes to Avoid This Tax Season

As a small business owner, there are extra pieces of your tax filing puzzle you need to watch out for to make sure you’re not only following the law but also getting the most tax savings for your business. Read more…

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